HVA What Works Learning Together Project 2021
As well as enabling us to develop a website, the What Works funding enabled the HVA to organise and deliver two webinars – one for a peer-to-peer networking and knowledge sharing event for Home Visitors and the other to learn more about home visiting internationally.
Webinar 1: 5th November 2021 Building Connections for Home Visitors, which included a presentation from Susan Brockelsby, Sláintecare Community Mothers Project, Insights from a consultation with Parents participating in a Home Visiting Programme. There was very positive feedback from everyone involved with consistency between what parents are asking for and what Home Visitors are delivering. Further support identified was for training to support children with special needs.
Webinar 2: 8th December Supporting Families through Home Visiting in Ireland, which included the following presentations:
A European perspective on children’s rights & well-being – Dr Agata D’Addato, Eurochild
The First Years First Priority campaign: A fair start for every child in Europe – Giorgiana Rosa, ‘First Years, First Priority’ Campaign
Health visitation in Hungary, How should we proceed? Dr Maria Herczog, Family, Child, Youth Association, Hungary
The US experience in implementing and scaling up national HV models – Kathleen Strader Healthy Families America & US Home Visiting Coalition
Developing an approach to Home Visiting services in Ireland, Ciara Pidgeon, Parenting Unit, Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
This project enabled early childhood home visitors, a key group working with children, young people and families to learn more about what works, how it works and continue to develop evidence supported approached to the application of this work. It provided them with Irish, European and American perspectives on home visiting and helped establish professional relationships between professionals working in the home visiting in Ireland.
The capacity of the Home Visiting Alliance to act long-term as the collective voice of early childhood home visiting in Ireland was enhanced by this project. By engaging in knowledge sharing activities through this project, a culture of peer-to-peer networking and knowledge exchange has been developed on which we can build. The website will support these developments and provide information for anyone interested in home visiting in Ireland.
This project provided a first step in the development of a national standardised model for early childhood home visiting in Ireland as outlined in First Five. It raised the visibility of the Home Visiting Alliance and early childhood home visiting in Ireland; and built the capacity of the existing home visiting programmes to support vulnerable children and parents to thrive in a post-COVID world.
The Home Visiting Alliance would like to thank the DCEDIY, Dormant Accounts Fund and What Works Learning Together Fund for their support at this critical juncture in our development. It was really important in helping us move forward as the collective voice of home visiting in Ireland.