What Works Sharing Knowledge Project 2023

Building on the First 5 action to agree on ’a national approach to home visiting’, the HVA recognised the need to explore the feasibility of home visiting in Ireland in 2023. A funding opportunity through the ‘What Works Sharing Knowledge Fund’ (DCEDIY, 2023) enabled the HVA to work collaboratively to explore the barriers and enablers to replicating, expanding and scaling up existing early childhood home visiting programmes across Ireland.

This study, compiled by Susan Brocklesby in collaboration with members of the Home Visiting Alliance (HVA), demonstrates that home visiting in Ireland developed organically in response to needs identified at a local level against the odds. Home visiting programmes emerged in a policy and service delivery context that could not provide the necessary infrastructure, research, funding or strategic planning and support required. However, it found that the current policy context in Ireland allows a unique opportunity to develop an integrated strategic approach and infrastructure, which would enable sustainable, high-quality, evidence-based home visiting to grow to scale and reach a significant population of children and families.

The Home Visiting Alliance would like to thank the What Works Sharing Knowledge Fund for their support.

Full Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study Summary