Early childhood home visiting is an evidenced based proven service delivery strategy that helps children and families thrive and paves the way to a healthier, safer, and more successful future for families. It connects parents-to-be and parents of young children with a Home Visitor who guides them through the early stages of raising a family. For many, it is a bridge to becoming the kind of parents they want to be so they can unlock their child’s potential.

Who is it for? 

Home visiting benefits all families. Together Home Visitors and parents discuss:

  • Children’s developmental milestones
  • Positive parenting strategies
  • Local services
  • Making friends with other parents in their community
  • Wellbeing and self-care

Why early childhood home visiting?

  • Proven evidenced based programmes, which support parent learning in the home and improves outcomes for children.
  • Support parents as the primary carers and educators of their children
  • Targets the most critical period in a child’s life, when the pace of growth and learning is unequalled.
  • Cost effective, with demonstrated improvements in child health, well-being, and school readiness and parent self-sufficiency.

HVA Programmes

Community Mothers

The Community Mothers Programme supports parents in caring for their babies and young children while also encouraging them to look after their own health and wellbeing.

Infant Mental Health

The Infant Mental Health home visiting programme supports optimal physical, social and emotional development in the pre-birth to three years’ period of a baby’s and young child’ development.


Lifestart’s home visiting programme focuses on the building blocks of child development: parent/child attachment, bonding and interaction, language development, play and most of all, love.


Originally from the US, the ParentChild+ Programme is an innovative, home-based literacy and parenting programme that strengthens families and prepares children to succeed academically.

Preparing for Life

The Preparing for Life Home Visiting Programme aims to support parents so they can nurture the child, ensuring the child, the family and the community thrives.